Tuesday, May 25, 2010

why I love facebook

I got an ipad yesterday. (I had been looking forward to getting one for a while, and it's been a 24 hour love affair so far.)

Naturally, last night I changed my Facebook status to Ipad!.

Four people have 'liked' my status so far: Two guys I've gotten to know online thanks to doing iphone photography. They are grown-ups and both of them live in Italy. And two Swedish fifteen year olds: Gustav, my nephew, and John, the son of my best friend.

An equally random group of people have commented on my status: A couple of colleagues, Gustav the nephew, a former student, an old friend who lives in the Netherlands and who I rarely see, and another old friend who lives in Australia.

I think that's so cool. Facebook brings people together in unlikely combinations. For me, the different parts of my life actually come together too. I love that.

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