Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Fia wants to know six strange things about me. This is very tricky because I don't think there are any strange things about me at all. But I'll give it a try.

1. I never put keys on a table (=bad luck, but everybody knows that so that's not very strange). When I teach I purposely drop my keys on the floor. Every kid who has ever been in class with me knows this but only the brave ones ask me about it. (American students are polite.) (Or, should I say, American students at (believe it or not that's how much it costs) $40 000 a year schools are polite.) One kid did a drawing of me in class (took him most of summer school one year) and when he gave it to me he proudly pointed out that he had included the keys on the floor. (I framed it and right now it hangs in the bathroom.)
2. I think Ejderns drottkaviar and banana taste really good together. (If you don't get that, don't worry. You don't want to know.) (It's really good, though.)

3. My childhood friend and I had a make-believe game where we pretended to be attorneys. We set up her teddy bears and dolls with... I don't know what. Paperwork? We were six.

I started at 8:55. Now it's 9:50. I am taking a break. I need to sleep on this, apparently.


Fia said...

Wow, I never thougth about the fact that I never put keys on a table...but everone KNOWS that is to invite disaster. My husband saw his otherwise sooo logical spouse go nuts the first time he did it, it surprised say the least!

JaCal said...

Oh no - never ever never keys on the table!! And my American friends look strangely at me when I quickly remove theirs...

Oh, Ejderns drottkaviar... brings back memories. Don't like kaivar myself, but that was the favorite of my family and we always had it at the kitchen table.. On banana... hm...