Monday, March 12, 2007


I am not joking hay fever season is here. But this year - so far - has been good. The constant (twice a day) rinsing of the nose with the salt water actually really helps. And it should help, right? If you can get the pollen out of there, that should be better than keeping a stash in your sinuses. Marinating.

I asked someone for advice about insects eating my plants once. 'Have you tried rinsing with water?', she asked. That was a good practical tip. Same thing. It worked. Environment happy, small bugs off my plants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pröva också att skölja ur håret varje kväll, före du lägger dig. Det hjälper massor att tvätta ur allt pollen som samlats i håret under en dag och på sätt undvika det sen sprider sig på kudden/nära ansiktet när man ska sova.