Thursday, June 12, 2008


Steak, tsatsiki, sundried olives. I am just saying.

Pour 1 liter or so of natural yogurt (such as Nancy's: that has no crazy additives, and real honest to God bacteria) into a colander or sieve lined with cheesecloth (or a Melitta filter, or sturdy paper towel). Let sit for at least an hour. This allows the yogurt to thicken.
Peel and super finely dice 1 cucumber. Then place it in bowl, sprinkle with salt, mix, put a plate on top, and put something heavy on the plate.
Let the cucumber too sit for about an hour, or longer.
Finely chop a couple of garlic cloves.
Drain the liquid that has formed around the cucumber.
Mix everything.
Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.
Let sit over night if you have the patience.

I made this for a potluck once and there was a Greek person there and she approved. Very Greek.


Petchie75 said...

Senast igår sa O till mig "kan du inte göra den där röran med gurka och yoghurt som M brukar göra" dvs tsatsiki!! Ok, ska testa ditt recept så fort jag har införskaffat naturell yoghurt!!

Lotta K said...

Vad lustigt! Jag håller med O, förr eller senare när det är varmt vill man ha tsatsiki...