Saturday, October 11, 2008

fear not, men of fox news, she's not coming after you with tweezers

As much as Sarah Palin drives me up a wall, in some unexpected ways her being part of the presidential race is pure entertainment.

For instance, it is fun to hear male right-wing pundits and talking heads get themselves worked up over what they perceive as sexism. Never heard that before. Sure didn't hear it when Hillary Clinton was running.

That Newsweek cover there, for instance. I heard references to it in that teaser-TV manner: "Coming up, after the break, why this cover is angering republicans".

So, during the break I picked up my own copy, and looked at it closely. I could not find anything wrong with it.

When the break was over, I heard a frantic male voice from FOX news being replayed on MSNBC:


I've never heard a man sound so afraid of wrinkles. True fear, I am telling you. Funny, yeah?

So why didn't I find the cover photo offensive? The obvious reason is that I am a woman in my forties, so I know what a woman in her forties looks like. And, compared to that, Sarah Palin does not show a lot of wrinkles on that cover. In fact, she looks happy, friendly, and like a real person. Nothing there to scare FOX news.


Anonymous said...

exactly WHERE are the forementioned wrinkles?!
who are these guys from fox news? maybe now we know who supports cosmetic surgery. too creepy.
oh my... danny boy just came on your audio. lost my train of thought. must sign off and cry. bk

Lotta K said...

not shown in the picture: a very large baseball cap?

Lotta K said...

and then there is 'when irish eyes are smiling', should I put that on there too?

Anonymous said...

not unless you want me to short out my keyboard with the waterworks from my irish eyes. :)

Lotta K said...

a girl (can't remember her name) sang it in the mission at mike's brother's wake. not a dry eye.