Friday, February 19, 2010

maybe I shouldn't have told you this

American public bathrooms, in workplaces and movie theaters and restaurants, often have several separate stalls with doors and walls that are open at the bottom and open at the top. You don't have a lot of privacy.

Years ago I was in such a stall. I couldn't help identifying the sounds as the woman in the stall next to me flushed the toilet, pulled up her pants, and got out.

I couldn't help hearing that she left. And I couldn't help hearing that she didn't wash her hands before she opened the door and got back to work.

I never told anyone.

Months later I overheard her offering to cook a meal for a colleague's sick daughter.

I never told anyone about that either.

The other day I was back in that same stall again. And I couldn't help recognizing the same woman's shoes in the stall next to me.

I waited.

She left.

No, not this time either.


cecilia said...

I feel that the lack of privacy in public rest rooms are pathetic, but it should deffo kick you in to prducing some decent toilet habits. But then, you shouldn't need lack of privacy to wash your hands after you've done your dirty....

Lotta K said...

I hate it when friends and co-workers continue or begin a conversation between the stalls. too much for me. I'm happy to chat over the washing of the hands, tho.

Landis said...

This post read like an excerpt from a novel. I was riveted!


Petchie75 said...

Jag var en gång på en fest i en kompis lägenhet, det var trångt och jag hamnade i korridoren utanför toalett och badrum - två separata rum. Toaletten hade inte handfat... Killen jag talade med och jag roade oss med att se hur många (FÅ!) som gick över till badrummet för att tvätta händerna efter uträttat ärende...
Det är dåligt med handhygienen på offentliga toaletter - framförallt utomlands har jag märkt att kvinnor inte tvättar händerna :-( Det är nästan så att jag vill säga "hallå, glömde du någonting nu?".

Lotta K said...

Thanks Landis, from you that;s a great compliment!

Petra, it;s so disgusting! Makes me not want to touch the door handle on my way out. And I'm normally super relaxed about germs...