Wednesday, March 26, 2008

my favorite author's favorite joke

A lady found a penguin, and a police officer advised her to take it to the zoo. A while later the police officer runs into the lady again. She still has the penguin with her.

"I thought you were taking it to the zoo?", he says.

"I did", the lady said. "And now we are going to the movies."

Interview with Bodil Malmsten, in Swedish, here.


Anonymous said...


i also like this animal joke:
what do you call a sheep with no legs?
a cloud.

-from flea of the red hot chili peppers. :)

Lotta K said...

That;s cute! and cuddly.

When will you get that maykazine going?? You have the coolest name, but we need some content there dammit.

Anonymous said...

I ABSOLUTELY AGREE. my coder has to finish her new job training. and i need to take the GMAT. i stare at everything the public can't see yet and i get ANTSY. D:

Anonymous said...

Hello Lotta

I am very fond of Bodil Malmsten's work - the link that you provide on March 26th for an interview with her in Swedish ends up instead on Wikipedia - can you send me the link please? I would be grateful.


Lotta K said...

Suzannah, clicking on the word 'here' above will take you to the article in Swedish.