Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I am really angry

I was talking to one of my students today. Her mother is white, and her father is black. Her twin sister actually came out white, and she came out black. She is about to transfer to another school, because she believes she will be happier at a big school. She wants to "take on the real world" she says.

My student wants to go into journalism. She is working on a story right now about racism on campus. It's an interesting story, but it's not going to make her popular. There are incidents of racism for her to report, of course, because racism is everywhere.

Some people don't want to believe that, though. For some reason it's hard for (white) people to take it seriously, and to believe those who are made victims.

Racism is everywhere. We show weakness only if we don't accept that, and address it.

Unrelated photo of former student:
Unrelated photo of current student:

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