Friday, June 13, 2008

makes you furious

I think Michelle Obama seems cool. She reminds me of students I've had and women I've met. I've enjoyed listening to her and I've been impressed. I like her no nonsense attitude.

Then I heard the other day a pundit say that very likely Michelle Obama will be made a target in this fall's presidential campaign. And then I started thinking.

Even though her husband, Barack Obama, biracial as he is, successfully has been able to balance identifying as a black man and still be perceived as multicultural, Michelle Obama sure is a black American woman. And that's what it's all about, right? America might be ready for a biracial president, but is America ready for a black First Lady?

If her husband gets elected, there will be three descendants of slaves living in the White House.

Imagine that.

When those right-wing attacks start coming, remember what the goal is: keeping the White House white.

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