Tuesday, December 05, 2006

exit muttering

My boyfriend says I am a smartypants for pointing out that Sinter Klaus (Sinterklaas) is Dutch, not Danish, even though the people writing the little pieces of trivia that come on before the commercials say he is Danish.

Americans just can't keep those little countries straight.

We're watching Miracle on 34th street, in case you were wondering.


Anonymous said...

Amerikaner som blandar ihop olika länder. Japp, det känner jag igen. Häromdagen fick jag höra nåt i stil med: "good for you to pick Oregon, here you don't have to miss the alps you're used to." Hmmm, liten förvirring mellan Sverige och Schweiz kanske.... Orkade inte säga emot utan nickade bara artigt...

Lotta K said...

Jag nickar ocksa artigt, for det mesta. Fast nar jag undervisar satter jag alltid upp en varldskarta som kurslitteratur, oavsett kurs. Manga har bara haft ett uns geografi i skolan...