Wednesday, March 12, 2008

this is all I eat now

I took The Pioneer Woman's suggestion and made a salad dressing that was originally created by Jamie Oliver. And I've had huge salads twice a day ever since. OK it's only been three days but it has changed my life.

The original version contains chopped cilantro, but since it doesn't keep very well I omit it so that I can make a big batch of the dressing and keep it in the fridge for a couple of days. I make sure to include cilantro in whatever salad I am making though because the flavor is pretty irresistible.

I just did some math to make the measurements accessible to everyone. So, go ahead and mix these things:

juice of one lime
8 tablespoons/120 ml olive oil
2 tablespoons/30 ml sesame oil
6 tablespoons/90 ml soy sauce
1/3 cup/80 ml brown sugar
3 tablespoons/45 ml chopped ginger
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 hot peppers, veined and chopped


Petchie75 said...

Intressant recept, ska bara skaffa sesamolja och ingefära så kan jag också testa dressingen!
Lärde mig från Rachel Ray för nga veckor sedan att cilantro är färsk koriander i USA, och coriander är pulvret från frukten - äntligen fattade O och jag hur det hänger ihop!! I Europa kallar man ju båda för koriander.

Lotta K said...

American English är verkligen ett eget språk. We don't have a language, säger amerikaner. Har ni visst, säger jag.