Tuesday, October 16, 2007

americans don't eat horse meat, but I do

The last slaughter house for horses in the US has been shut down. This quote is from The International Herald Tribune, September 24:

"The lone cowboy riding his horse on a Texas trail is a cinematic icon," wrote Judge Fortunato Benavides of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. "Not once in memory did the cowboy eat his horse."

I just wonder about that. I understand the romantic image, but I wonder about the truth of the statement. If you have nothing else to eat, wouldn't you eat your horse? Isn't the image actually more cinematic, than real?

I'll be honest, I like horse meat. As much as I loved horses as a teenager, I still eat it. It doesn't bother me one bit. It's tasty. Where I am from you get it at the meat counter. It's darker than beef, and a little sweeter. Cheaper too. Åsa and I will buy steaks at her local market and have them with veggies and wine. Super yummy.

Actually, reindeer is tasty too. Americans usually don't like the idea of eating Rudolph. I don't understand that either.


Isle Dance said...

I grew up slaughtering and butchering. Killing the animal face to face, hanging its warm body up, while its blood drips down onto me, as it blinks and makes noises...just isn't fun to me...though I'm grateful to know how to provide food for myself. Americans don't eat horse meat, or their cats or dogs, because they're all seen as pets/beautiful animals to hold special. I tend to look at all animals that way, though I still eat some poultry and fish. Eventually, I'd like to be all veggie. I've never liked meat for the taste of meat...but for the condiments slathered on them. But I've always treasured the animals...alive. I think there is a shift, when one comes to see the animal as a living being, with a soul. You might find American people staying far away, if they know you eat horse meat. It's that shocking to them.

Lotta K said...

That would of course be very sad, if I would un-make friends by admitting to them what I buy and eat when visiting my home country. I have read up a bit on this tonight and learned that, among other things, the reluctance to eat horse meat has religious roots. Catholics, Muslims and Jews won;t eat it, but in northern Europe people have maintained the habit of eating horse meat since their pre Christian days. I am just a product of my background, I feel.

I don;t eat a lot of red meat. I certainly don;t need it every week, or even every month. But the taboo against eating horse meat that I learned about today on the NPR radio news was really news to me.

Isle Dance said...

No matter what, good for you for doing what's right for you. If someone is shocked into distancing themselves, hopefully they'll be able to process it a bit more and think about why we do what we do and what we want to do differently. I've been more and more shocked by my own transitions on this front!

Petchie75 said...

Jag äter inte häst, har nog aldrig smakat det! Italienarna älskar hästkött - läste ngnstans att de köpt upp alla polska hästar för att äta upp dem.
Äter inte heller kanin som belgarna gör, men hare är ok. Vet inte varför, jag är inte blödig och det är inte av sentimentala skäl - jag hade varken kanin eller var hästtjej när jag var yngre...
Ren är gott dock.

Lotta K said...

Jag har svårt för små djur, så små att man ser den lilla bröstkorgen. Som kanin. Vet inte vad jag tänker på eg., mer än att vissa saker ser otäcka ut i saluhallen. Men jag känner mig också osentimental. Trots att jag VAR hästflicka.

Monica said...

När jag bodde och jobbade i en by långt ute i ingenstans i Burkina Faso så åt vi inget kött. Men ibland så fick vi en höna eller kanin som gåva (för att jag var vit och det var sällsynt med vita på besök där och för att de tyckte det var exotiskt och spännande och en ära för byn). Ja, det var ju till att äta förstår. Och jag kan säga att när man måste nacka hönan själv, ja, då tar det emot att döda den för att äta den. Och kaninen, den dödades aldrig (inte när jag var där iaf).

Lotta K said...

Jag har aldrig varit ens i närheten av att nacka eller skjuta eller på annat vis döda ett djur. Har ingen aning om hur jag skulle reagera. Min gissning är att jag skulle hålla mig till ärtor och bönor och annat protein så länge det bara gick.