Monday, March 12, 2007


The overwhelming majority of Swedes are Lutherans, but many don't pay much attention to that fact. We are secularized cultural Protestants, like many Latin Americans are cultural Catholics.

The very first time I met the first class I taught at the Jesuit school where I work, someone sneezed. The way I remember it is this: Someone sneezed. And then there was silence. Then all heads turned in the direction of the sneezer, and all students said a polite "Bless You!" in unison. The sneezer said "thank you". Thereafter, class continued.

Now, seven years later, I take the sneezes and the 'Bless Yous' in stride. In fact, I say bless you too. I kind of like it. It's only when I say it to a priest that I hear a "wait a minute!" from the suddenly awakened Lutheran inside me.

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