Thursday, October 11, 2007


Doris Lessing wins the Nobel Prize for Literature. I never thought I'd be excited for a Nobel Prize, but this is so cool. I think if you haven't read anything by her you should start with with Martha Quest.

I had always heard that she was 'difficult', but when I discovered her novels I realized that 'difficult' means crystal clear. She talks about people, situations, society, and politics and she blends psychology seamlessly with social commentary. She has the sharpest eye for human communication. Just great. I am so happy.


Anonymous said...

Jätteroligt, jag läste ju henne redan på 1970-talet, men hon har kommit men flera nya bra böcker, några har jag läst, tänk, en Nobelpristagare som jag har läst, har i bokhyllan och tycker mycket om :)

Lotta K said...

Visst är det roligt! Jag är jätteglad!

Isle Dance said...

Oooo, yeah!!

Anonymous said...

I thought of you when I heard this news. Learned so much from her in your class.

Lotta K said...

Becki now you made my day!