Sunday, October 28, 2007

like it or leave

More than once I have had those words thrown at me in discussions by someone I considered a friend.

The point of the "like it or leave" argument is that an immigrant cannot in any way criticize their new homeland. If you don't like it here, leave. End of discussion.

It makes no sense to me. Obviously all countries, cities, towns, villages, families, and friends have their pros and cons, their ups and downs. The US is not perfect. Sweden is not perfect. I am not perfect.

People's reasons for leaving, staying, or moving are complex. I think that if we think that just by moving things will get "better" our lives will be restless and unhappy.

I take that back. Some migrants in the world have no choice. They are forced to leave their homelands for safety. But while they are safe in their new environment they may still be homesick. They may still suffer.

Middle class migrants, like me, have choices. One of my personal reasons for remaining in the US, for now, is that it is interesting to live here. My ideas are challenged. I learn from discussions and comparisons.

But as much as I love talking to people, if you tell me "like it or leave", I will turn away from you.

I won't let you kill my spirit, and I won't let you diminish my hope that people are actually willing to learn from each other. But I don't want to talk with you anymore. It's boring.


Anonymous said...

Bra skrivet! Jag känner så väl igen det här "fenomenet" och har upplevt det många gånger och funderat på det. Det må vara intressanta och trevliga människor på många plan, men jag tappar helt lusten och engagemanget fortsätta prata och diskutera med de här take it or leave it sortens personer.

Lotta K said...

Visst är det konstigt hur lättvindigt folk säger det? Och tror på det dessutom...

Ing said...

Jag kan bara instämma. Och som du skriver, det är ingenting man har lust att ens argumentera om, man blir bara trött och vill gå därifrån.